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2021-2022 Eugene Trout Scholarship Application Period Open!

Cape Fox is currently accepting applications for the Eugene Trout Scholarship for the 2021-2022 Academic Year!

VOC-TECH APPLICATION DEADLINE: March 31, 2021 & August 15, 2021

Please click on the 2021-2022 Eugene Trout Scholarship application to access and download. You can also request an application be sent to you via email, fax, or USPS by calling the CFC Saxman Office at (907)225-5163 x428. Please note, due to COVID-19, the CFC Saxman Office is closed. Therefore, you may NOT pick up or submit an application in-person.

Please submit your application via USPS to Cape Fox Shareholder Tináa Trust, PO Box 23149, Ketchikan, AK 99901. Due to COVID-19, you may also submit your application via email to or via fax to 1(907)225-3137.

For questions, please contact Shareholder Services at