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2021 Annual Picnic Postponed

Late on Monday, June 14, 2021, Allen Marine contacted us and let us know the ship that was going to be used to tranpsort Shareholders to Black Sand Beach for the 2021 Annual Picnic is no longer operable. There is a major part on the ship that failed. The part is related to ship safety so they are not able to legally operate it until repairs have been made.

Due to this change, we are not able to hold the 2021 Annaul Picnic at Black Sand Beach at this time. We looked for replacement venues that would enable us to hold the picnic on Saturday, June 19, 2021 as planned. Unfortunately, no venues are available. The 2021 Annual Picnic is being rescheduled for a tentative date of August 21, 2021. Please see the below postponement letter for more information.

2021 Annual Picnic Postponement Letter_FINAL (fe) 06 15 2021.jpg